How to replace the motor and gearbox unit on your Peg Perego RZR Polaris Ranger 24V
How to replace the motor and gearbox unit on your Peg Perego RZR Polaris Ranger 24V
If your Peg Perego Polaris Ranger RZR 24V vehicle is not working in reverse mode or first gear, or if your high gear is not working at full speed, the most likely cause is a damged motor. Each of the rear wheels has its own motor and gearbox unit, with the left hand motor operating in low speed and reverse gears, and both motors pulling together in high gear. If the left hand motor has failed, this will result in a vehicle which does not move in first gear or reverse, but which moves at the low gear speed when the gear lever is set to high gear. If the right hand motor has failed, then the vehicle will not speed up when high gear is engaged.
To replace the motor, first you will need the official Peg Perego replacement part. We have these in stock at this link. The motors are interchangeable, so there's no need to specify whether you need a right or a left. The motor unit incorporates a built in gearbox, which is sealed to prevent water or dirt getting inside.
Once you have your replacemnt motor in hand, you're ready to remove the old motor and install the new one. The videos below show how to do this in detail, along with a handy text guide describing each step as you go. if you find yourself in any difficulty, don't worry - just get in touch and our technicians will be able to assist.
Tools required:
- Philips Screwdriver
- Adjustable wrench or socket set
Step 1: Remove the wheel
To access the old motor, you'll need to remove the wheel that it drives. To do this, first remove the wheel cap as shown in the video below. To remove it, just press in either with your hand or a tool as shown in the video to release the catches. Once this is safely removed, you can use a spanner or adjustable wrench to remove the wheel nut. Once the nut is free, the wheel can be slid off the axle, revealing the motor.
Step 2: Remove the old motor
The old motor is held in place by bolts, and protected by a cover. There is also a plastic drive coupling on the axle. To remove the motor, first remove the plastic coupling by simply sliding it off the axle as shown in the video below. Once this is off, use your Philips screwdriver to remove the four screws from the black plastic cover, as in the video at the 1:58 mark. Now remove the cover plate, and you will then be able to see the new motor. This can be slid off the axle, however the cables attaching it to the vehicle will not let you get it all the way off. Instead, move it about 3-4 inches down the axle, and then reach into the space behind and disconnect the cables. Once this is done, the whole motor gearbox unit will slide free.
Step 3. Install the new motor
Installation of the new motor is simple, and is basically the reverse of the previous steps. Start by sliding the motor onto the axle, and attaching the cables to the new motor. Once it's connected, you can slide the motor all the way onto the axle so that it is snugly against the vehicle body. Now reinstall the cover plate, tightening all four screws so that the motor is held securely in place. Once this is complete, you can slide the plastic coupling back onto the axle, followed by the wheel.
Step 4. Reinstall the wheel
Ensure the wheel hub slots into the coupling (it will be obvious if it hasn't, as the axle will not be able to get all the way through the wheel. In this case just rotate the wheel slowly while pressing it towards the vehicle body until the wheel hub and coupling are turning together). Once the wheel is properly mounted, tighten the nut and then press on the wheel cap, making sure thateach of its catches is in its slot.
Step 5. Test drive
Now that the motor is fitted, the vehicle needs a quick test drive to ensure all is properly installed. Check each gear to ensure that the vehicle works in first and reverse, and test the transition from first to second gear to ensure that the vehicle speeds up, and that both motors are engaged.
If you have any questions about fitting your new motor, or you need other parts or technical advice, we're here to help. Just click here to get in touch and our team of friendly experts will be happy to assist